Luanda Beatriz Constantino da Conceição
Associate with experience in civil litigation and business consulting for companies from the most various sectors.
Graduated in Law from Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC-MG), 2018.
Pos Graduated in Internacional Law from CEDIN – Center for Studies in Law and Businesses, 2021.
Pos Graduation (in course) in Contracts, Contractual Execution and Civil Liabilityfrom Legale Faculdade.
Other Activities
Member of the Alafi Coordination – Extention and Research Group in Law, State and Racial Relations from the Law University of Minas Gerais-UFMG.
Member of the Colective Black Sisters in Law, a network of black lawyers, aiming at the connection and growth in several law practice areas, in Brazil and abroad.